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How to Make an Easy Wooden Candle Lantern

How to Make an Easy Wooden Candle Lantern (DIY Wood Lantern)

Crafting a DIY wooden lantern is a delightful project that allows you to create a captivating centerpiece for your home decor. 

This comprehensive tutorial will walk you through the process, using square dowels, wood glue, and scrap wood to construct a charming DIY wood lantern.

With the soft, flickering candlelight as its decor, this DIY project will bring rustic elegance to your space.

Plus, we’ve included affiliate links to essential materials like stain and dowels, making it easier for you to embark on this creative and rewarding DIY wooden lantern endeavor.

Easy Wooden Candle Lantern: Step by Step Guide

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Embark on a simple DIY wood project by first scouring your scrap wood collection for materials.

When choosing the wood for your lantern centerpiece, prioritize sturdiness to ensure it can support the weight of the lantern.

This project is an excellent opportunity to repurpose those sturdy leftover pieces from previous woodworking projects, transforming them into a beautiful and functional lantern centerpiece.

Step 2: Cut Out the Pieces

Measure and cut out the necessary wooden pieces according to your desired lantern size.

You’ll need four sides, a bottom, and a top. Precision in cutting will contribute to the overall quality and symmetry of your lantern.

Step 3: Construct the Frame

Begin assembling the lantern by creating the frame. Use wood glue to attach the wooden pieces together, and then secure them with clamps.

Allow the glue to dry completely before proceeding to the next step.

Step 4: Attach the Sides to the Bottom

With the frame in place, attach the four sides to the bottom of the lantern.

You can use wood screws or nails to securely fasten the pieces together. This step forms the basic structure of the lantern.

Step 5: Add a Decorative Edge (Optional)

To add a touch of personality, consider creating a decorative edge on the top of the lantern.

You can achieve this by using woodworking tools like a router to create intricate designs or patterns.

Step 6: Install the Top

Attach the top piece of the lantern to complete the structure. Depending on your design preference, you can use hinges or screws to secure the top in place.

This step will also provide easy access for placing or lighting the candle.

Step 7: Sand the Lantern

To ensure a polished finish, carefully sand the lantern to smooth out any rough edges or surfaces.

Sandpaper or a sanding block can be used for this purpose.

Step 8: Apply a Finish

Enhance the appearance and protect the wood by applying a stain or paint finish. Choose a finish that complements your home decor style.

Whether you’re aiming for a natural wood look or a more vibrant color, the finish can truly bring your lantern to life.

Step 9: Add the Light Source

The final touch involves adding a light source to your lantern. Depending on your preference, you can use either a traditional candle or a battery-powered LED light.

Both options will create a cozy and inviting atmosphere, allowing the lantern to emit its signature warm glow.


Crafting an easy wooden candle lantern is a gratifying endeavor that combines creativity with practicality.

By following these straightforward steps, you can produce a stunning lantern that becomes a focal point in any room.

The flickering candlelight or gentle LED glow emanating from your handmade lantern will infuse your space with comfort and charm, elevating the ambiance to a whole new level.

So, gather your materials, put your woodworking skills to the test, and watch as your easy wooden candle lantern adds a touch of enchantment to your home.

Don Kerr

Don Kerr spent many years honing his skills as a DIY woodworker. He finds immense joy in not only creating remarkable pieces but also in generously sharing his knowledge. Connect with him via group.